Indian River Genealogical Society
Having trouble logging in?
Many areas of our website are available to the public - only the Members Only area requires that a member login to gain access.  If you're having trouble logging in, the following articles can help, depending on your situation. 
Click on the article below which best describes your situation.
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Welcome!  We're glad to have you as a member.
Once your membership application is received and processed, you will receive an email welcoming you to IRGS.  Included in that email will be your Login Name and Password which will allow access to the Members Only area of our website.  This email will be from
Please allow sufficient time for your application to be received and processed - usually a week or less - before expecting to receive the email.  However, you should check your Spam Folder for the Welcome Email, just in case it was routed there by mistake.  If you still do not receive the email, contact for assistance.
[Located in Category: Login Help Articles]

In this case, you probably don't know your Login Name or Password.  You'll need both in order to log into the Members Only area of the website.
Follow the directions in "You don't know or can't remember your Login Name" to retrieve your Login Name plus the ones in "You know your Login Name but not your Password" to create a new password.  You can actually do these in either order, but you will need to do both.
[Located in Category: Login Help Articles]

You cannot retrieve your current Password, but you can reset it and create a new one.  Begin the process by clicking on the "?" button to the right of the Password prompt on the Login page.
Clicking that "?" button will cause the following window to appear:
In Step 1 you must supply either your Login Name or the Email Address associated with your IRGS member account.  Either one will work to reset your password, but if you don't have your Login Name you'll also need to follow the instructions in "You don't know or can't remember your Login Name" as it will be needed to actually log into the Members Only area of our website.
Then, click in the square box immediately following "Check box & enter code:" (Step 2).  Once the square is checked, a number will be displayed between the square box and the input box, similar to this:
Type the newly displayed number into the input box, then click on the green "Submit" button in the top right corner of the window.  If the information that you entered in Step 1 is connected to a valid IRGS member accout, you'll see this message:
That email will be from IRGS (  If you don't receive the email within a few minutes, be sure to check your spam folder.  The email will contain a link which you must click to continue the process.  Clicking on it will take you back to the website but to a special screen which will allow you to enter a new password:
The Reset Code at the top will have been automatically filled in by the system, but you must enter the same password twice, once as New Password and again as Confirm Password.  Finally, click on the green "Submit" button at the top right of the window.  If the new password was typed exactly the same both times, you'll see the message:
You can now use your new Password, along with your Login Name to access the Members Only area of the website.
[Located in Category: Login Help Articles]

You can retrieve your Login Name if you know the email address associated with your member account.  If you don't know the email address, send an email to for assistance.
Begin the retrieval process by clicking on the "?" button just to the right of the Login Name input box.
Clicking on the "?" button will result in a pop-up window being displayed. 
First, you should enter the email address associated with your member account.  This is the same email address where you receive correspondence from IRGS.  After the email address has been entered, click inside the square box after "Check box & enter code:"
Immediately after you click in the square, a number will appear just to the right, between the checked box and the next input box, as shown above.  Type the newly displayed number into the highlighted input box and then click the green "Submit" button in the top right of the window.
If there is an active account using the email address that you entered, the IRGS website will automatically send a message containing the Login Name to the email address.  Once you receive that email, you can use the recovered Login Name, along with your password, to access the Members Only area of the website.  If you also need help with your Password, use the instructions in the article "You don't know or can't remember your Password."
However, if the email address that you entered is not associated with a valid member account, an error message similar to this one will be displayed
and you will be given another chance to enter to email address.  If you don't recall the email address associated with your member account, send an email to for assistance.
[Located in Category: Login Help Articles]

You can change your Login Name and/or your Password, but not until after you have logged into the Members Only area of the website.  Once you have successfully entered your login information, the login page will refresh and include a link to the instructions.  Look for "CHANGING Login Name and Password" toward the bottom of the page and click on the associated link.
[Located in Category: Login Help Articles]